The Zombie Strategist Guide to… Split Propositions
In this bright fresh new world, compromise is King. Or Queen. Or sometimes a bit of both – you do you. As a Zombie Strategist (in Adland, over forty, not quite dead), my entire existence is about compromise. Not alive, but not quite snuffed it, I exist in a grey place that is not one […]
The Zombie Strategist Guide to… Becoming the Archbishop of Canterbury
I think it’s time for the British public to start putting Zombies in power. I mean sure, we mutter to ourselves, make weird creaking noises, shuffle round the place and smell slightly of wee, but nobody’s perfect, right? As yet another member of the British Establishment’s Officer Class topples (“Archbishop of Canterbury resigns over Church […]
The Zombie Strategist guide to… Audience.
A QUICK INTRODUCTION The advertising industry thinks its dying. Constantly. It is a connoisseur of hypochondria. This week it’s dying of AI. Before AI it was dying of, in no particular order, Inhouse Agencies, Adblock, Young People, Remote Working, Old People, Going Back to Office Working, the Internet, Youtube, Photoshop, Television, Netflix and Myspace. This […]